Mother wise, Prioritize nutrition in the Family

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MOTHER wise would have chosen the best intake for herself, her husband was also her children. Are Moms including one of them?

Note the nutritional intake since pregnancy

Intake of nutritious food is mandatory for pregnant women. This is all for a fetus that was conceived to grow and be born healthy.

In fact, nutritional problems often encountered in pregnant women is iron deficiency as a major cause of anemia. Even expected, the prevalence of anemia among pregnant women in Indonesia has reached more than 50 percent.

Based on the criteria of the World Health Organization (WHO), the normal hemoglobin levels for pregnant women is 11gr/dL. Less than that number is said to suffer from anemia.

Symptoms of anemia usually characterized by decreased physical stamina, such as tired, lethargic, weak, lazy activity, lack of appetite. Unfortunately, the symptoms of anemia is often overlooked, unnoticed accumulation of a significant decrease in Hb. Over time, heart palpitations, facial, nails, eyelids looked pale. In fact, if the anemia is very severe, can cause shortness of breath even people with a weak heart. Anaemia in pregnant women should not be underestimated this, because can result in death and a risk to the fetus.

In addition, folate intake must also be considered good, especially in the first trimester because at that time was the formation of the organs of the fetus has begun.
Folic acid is useful for pregnant women to prevent birth defects, for example in patients anensefali (babies born without brains and head shell). The occurrence of this anensefali caused by deficiency or folic acid deficiency during pregnancy. Folic acid can be obtained from cereals, bread, wheat, cabbage, broccoli, spinach, and bean sprouts.

Give breast milk and solid foods for infants best

After nutrition in pregnancy, the next task for Moms is watching the baby's nutrition. ASI, no doubt is the best nutrition for your baby during the first 6 months of life. In periods of exclusive breastfeeding, Moms need to notice whether your baby is getting enough milk. Signs that breastfeeding is sufficient, according to Dr. Tinuk Supreme Meilany SpA is if the baby can live comfortably, wake-sleep enough, can drink with satisfaction, and can average suckling with their mothers for 30-60 minutes. In addition, the adequacy of breast milk can also be monitored from the objective data of the small weight gain each month.

Variety breastfeeding benefits lined up, so many. According to Dr. Jeanne Roos Tikoalu SpA, after conducting research in various countries and has been proven that once given exclusive breastfeeding, the incidence of infants with gastrointestinal infections such as diarrhea and respiratory diseases decreased dramatically.

Intelligent select solids

Once the age of 6 months and above, the intake of babies should be coupled with Complementary feeding (solids). Do not give solid foods too early, when children aged 4 months, for example. Giving solid food too early will only increase the potential for infants developed food allergies. Especially in the first months, the baby's digestive system has not developed completely. Thus, solid food will only add to the weight of the digestive system. Similarly diuangkapkan by Dr. Yulia Hernawati SpA from Jakarta Islamic Hospital.

In addition, the provision of solid foods in infants needs to be done as carefully as possible and be given in stages. Giving solid foods are not only seen as a process of eating.

"Giving solid food to your baby is learning to know taste, chew and swallow food. Of course, should be given in stages, "he continued.

Meet the needs of the toddler brain and bone

Age 0-5 years are periods where the ability of the child's brain to absorb information very high. That's why this period is called the "golden age" or "golden years" (golden age). When your child is able to speak, Moms may often overwhelmed by the critical questions. Or, Moms struck with a short answer but smart say. Hmm, creating smart kids do not like turning the palm of the hand, need stimulation and seconded by proper nutrition.

"The brain is the first organ that absorbs nutrients from food consumed," says Bethany Thayer, a nutritionist from the American Dietetic Association (ADA).

So, if you want your child to grow smart, Moms can choose foods that are good for the brain (brain food) for your baby. By eating food for the brain, growth and physical development of the child also will be better.

Yes, in addition to the brain, physical also need attention. Intelligent and healthy, a combination that fits! Infancy is the period in which the child is active-active exploration explore "the world". Walking, running, jumping, or climbing is the preferred activity of children under five.
That is why, the need for calcium is essential for the maintenance of the bones of the toddler. Calcium can be found in animal foods and vegetable sources. For example, in milk and other dairy products like cheese, yogurt, vegetable group (such as spinach, leaf melinjo, broccoli, beans, tempeh, tofu, soy beans), groups of fish and seafood (such as anchovies, shrimp, salmon), various fruits are juiced , bread and cereals.

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